Alexis Sáez

Geo-energy Lab, EPFL.


GC B1 383 (Bâtiment GC)

Station 18

1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

I am a doctoral candidate in Mechanics at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. My doctoral research has primarily focused on the mechanics of fluid-driven frictional ruptures and their applications to injection-induced seismicity. Currently, I am also working on slow earthquakes and pore pressure transients in subduction zones. In general, I use tools of theoretical and computational continuum (solid and fluid) mechanics to understand the interplay between different physical processes at play, in problems that are relevant to both earthquake science and subsurface energy-related technologies. I test these physical models against available data from both laboratory experiments and field observations.


Dec 05, 2023 My PhD thesis is now published Link
Dec 01, 2023 I successfully defended my doctoral thesis today! 🥳
Nov 28, 2023 My third PhD article is now available in the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. We unraveled some fundamental, theoretical aspects on the way how faults slide aseismically and seismically due to fluid injections in 3D. Find further details with open access here: Link.
Sep 01, 2023 Today, I have started my 6-month research stay at ERI, the University of Tokyo!
Jul 19, 2023 I am in the Swiss news talking about our work on post-injection-induced seismicity 🤓
May 24, 2023 New PhD paper just out! Find it with open access in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Link. We elaborate on theoretical aspects of how aseismic slip keeps propagating after stopping a fluid injection, and how the stress perturbation associated with it can potentially trigger seismicity for long time (say months) after these operations stop.
Jan 05, 2022 My first PhD paper just published in the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Link

selected publications

  1. PhD-thesis.pdf
    Three-dimensional fluid-driven frictional ruptures: theory and applications
    Alexis Sáez